第18部分(第3/7 頁)
und which lulls; and tunes the mind to calm thoughtfulness。
I have a letter to…day from my old friend in Germany; E。 B。 For many and many a year these letters have made a pleasant incident in my life; more than that; they have often brought me help and fort。 It must be a rare thing for friendly correspondence to go on during the greater part of a lifetime between men of different nationalities who see each other not twice in two decades。 We were young men when we first met in London; poor; struggling; full of hopes and ideals; now we look back upon those far memories from the autumn of life。 B。 writes to…day in a vein of quiet contentment; which does me good。 He quotes Goethe: 〃Was man in der Jugend begehrt hat man im Alter die Fulle。〃
These words of Goethe's were once a hope to me; later; they made me shake my head incredulously; now I smile to think how true they have proved in my own case。 But what; exactly; do they mean? Are they merely an expression of the optimistic spirit? If so; optimism has to content itself with rather doubtful generalities。 Can it truly be said that most men find the wishes of their youth satisfied in later life? Ten years ago; I should have utterly denied it; and could have brought what seemed to me abundant evidence in its disproof。 And as regards myself; is it not by mere happy accident that I pass my latter years in such enjoyment of all I most desired? Accident……but there is no such thing。 I might just as well have called it an accident had I succeeded in earning the money on which now I live。
From the beginning of my manhood; it is true; I longed for bookish leisure; that; assuredly; is seldom even one of the desires in a young man's heart; but perhaps it is one of those which may most reasonably look for gratificat