第16部分(第5/7 頁)
altogether idly; but; for the moment;with a portion of genuine earnestness; for; such was Pearl's wonderfulintelligence; that her mother half doubted whether she were notacquainted with the secret spell of her existence; and might not nowreveal herself。 〃Yes; I am little Pearl!〃 repeated the child; continuing her antics。 〃Thou art not my child! Thou art no Pearl of mine!〃 said the mother;half playfully; for it was often the case that a sportive impulse cameover her; in the midst of her deepest suffering。 〃Tell me; then;what thou art; and who sent thee hither?〃 〃Tell me; mother!〃 said the child seriously; ing up to Hester;and pressing herself close to her knees。 〃Do thou tell me!〃 〃Thy Heavenly Father sent thee!〃 answered Hester Prynne。 But she said it with a hesitation that did not escape theacuteness of the child。 Whether moved only by her ordinaryfreakishness; or because an evil spirit prompted her; she put up hersmall forefinger; and touched the scarlet letter。 〃He did not send me!〃 cried she positively。 〃I have no HeavenlyFather!〃 〃Hush; Pearl; hush! Thou must not talk so!〃 answered the mother;suppressing a groan。 〃He sent us all into this world。 He sent even me;thy mother。 Then; much more; thee! Or; if not; thou strange and elfishchild; whence didst thou e?〃 〃Tell me! Tell me!〃 repeated Pearl; no longer seriously; butlaughing; and capering about the floor。 〃It is thou that must tellme!〃 But Hester could not resolve the query; being herself in a dismallabyrinth of doubt。 She remembered… betwixt a smile and a shudder… thetalk of the neighbouring townspeople; who; seeking vainly elsewherefor the child's paternity; and observing some of her old attributes;had given out that poor little Pearl was a demon offspring; such as;ever since old Catholic times; had oc