第16部分(第4/7 頁)
shebeheld; not her own miniature portrait; but another face; in the smallblack mirror of Pearl's eye。 It was a face fiend…like; full of smilingmalice; yet bearing the semblance of features that she had knownfull well; though seldom with a smile; and never with malice inthem。 It was as if an evil spirit possessed the child; and had justthen peeped forth in mockery。 Many a time afterwards had Hester beentortured; though less vividly; by the same illusion。 In the afternoon of a certain summer's day; after Pearl grew bigenough to run about; she amused herself with gathering handfuls ofwild…flowers; and flinging them; one by one; at her mother's bosom;dancing up and down; like a little elf; whenever she hit the scarletletter。 Hester's first motion had been to cover her bosom with herclasped hands。 But; whether from pride or resignation; or a feelingthat her penance might best be wrought out by this unutterable pain;she resisted the impulse; and sat erect; pale as death; lookingsadly into little Pearl's wild eyes。 Still came the battery offlowers; almost invariably hitting the mark; and covering the mother'sbreast with hurts for which she could find no balm in this world;nor knew how to seek it in another。 At last; her shot being allexpended; the child stood still and gazed at Hester; with thatlittle laughing image of a fiend peeping out… or; whether it peeped orno; her mother so imagined it… from the unsearchable abyss of herblack eyes。 〃Child; what art thou?〃 cried the mother。 〃Oh; I am your little Pearl!〃 answered the child。 But; while she said it; Pearl laughed; and began to dance up anddown; with the humorsome gesticulation of a little imp; whose nextfreak might be to fly up the chimney。 〃Art thou my child; in very truth?〃 asked Hester。 Nor did she put the question