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casionally been seer; on earth;through the agency of their mother's sin; and to promote some foul andwicked purpose。 Luther; according to the scandal of his monkishenemies; was a brat of that hellish breed; nor was Pearl the onlychild to whom this inauspicious origin was assigned among the NewEngland Puritans。 VII。 THE GOVERNOR'S HALL。 HESTER PRYNNE went; one day; to the mansion of GovernorBellingham; with a pair of gloves; which she had fringed andembroidered to his order; and which were to be worn on some greatoccasion of state; for; though the chances of a popular election hadcaused this former ruler to descend a step or two from the highestrank; he still held an honourable and influential place among thecolonial magistracy。 Another and far more important reason than the delivery of a pair ofembroidered gloves impelled Hester; at this time; to seek an interviewwith a personage of so much power and activity in the affairs of thesettlement。 It had reached her ears; that there was a design on thepart of some of the leading inhabitants; cherishing the more rigidorder of principles in religion and government; to deprive her ofher child。 On the supposition that Pearl; as already hinted; was ofdemon origin; these good people not unreasonably argued that aChristian interest in the mother's soul required them to remove such astumbling…block from her path。 If the child; on the other hand; werereally capable of moral and religious growth; and possessed theelements of ultimate salvation; then; surely; it would enjoy all thefairer prospect of these advantages; by being transferred to wiser andbetter guardianship than Hester Prynne's。 Among those who promoted thedesign; Governor Bellingham was said to be one of the most busy。 Itma