第21部分(第5/7 頁)
e of his race; warm love of souls; pure sentiments;natural piety; strengthened by thought and study; and illuminated byrevelation… all of which invaluable gold was perhaps no better thanrubbish to the seeker… he would turn back; discouraged; and beginhis quest towards another point。 He groped along as stealthily; withas cautious a tread; and as wary an outlook; as a thief entering achamber where a man lies only half asleep… or; it may be; broad awake…with purpose to steal the very treasure which this man guards as theapple of his eye。 In spite of his premeditated carefulness; thefloor would now and then creak; his garments would rustle; theshadow of his presence; in a forbidden proximity; would be thrownacross his victim。 In other words; Mr。 Dimmesdale; whose sensibilityof nerve often produced the effect of spiritual intuition; wouldbee vaguely aware that something inimical to his peace had thrustitself into relation with him。 But old Roger Chillingworth; too; hadperceptions that were almost intuitive; and when the minister threwhis startled eyes towards him; there the physician sat; his kind;watchful; sympathising; but never intrusive friend。 Yet Mr。 Dimmesdale would perhaps have seen this individual'scharacter more perfectly; if a certain morbidness; to which sickhearts are liable; had not rendered him suspicious of all mankind。Trusting no man as his friend; he could not recognise his enemy whenthe latter actually appeared。 He therefore still kept up a familiarintercourse with him; daily receiving the old physician in hisstudy; or visiting the laboratory; and; for recreation's sake;watching the processes by which weeds were converted into drugs ofpotency。 One day; leaning his forehead on his hand; and his elbow on the sillof the open window; that looked towards the