第21部分(第6/7 頁)
graveyard; he talkedwith Roger Chillingworth; while the old man was examining a bundleof unsightly plants。 〃Where;〃 asked he; with a look askance at them… for it was theclergyman's peculiarity that he seldom; nowadays; lookedstraight…forth at any object; whether human or inanimate… 〃where; mykind doctor; did you gather those herbs; with such a dark; flabbyleaf?〃 〃Even in the graveyard here at hand;〃 answered the physician;continuing his employment。 〃They are new to me。 I found them growingon a grave; which bore no tombstone; nor other memorial of the deadman; save these ugly weeds; that have taken upon themselves to keephim in remembrance。 They grew out of his heart; and typify; it may be;some hideous secret that was buried with him; and which he had donebetter to confess during his lifetime。〃 〃Perchance;〃 said Mr。 Dimmesdale; 〃he earnestly desired it; butcould not。〃 〃And wherefore?〃 rejoined the physician。 〃Wherefore not; since allthe powers of nature call so earnestly for the confession of sin; thatthese black weeds have sprung up out of a buried heart; to makemanifest an unspoken crime?〃 〃That; good sir; is but a fantasy of yours;〃 replied the minister。〃There can be; if I forebode aright; no power; short of the Divinemercy; to disclose; whether by uttered words; or by type or emblem;the secrets that may be buried with a human heart。 The heart; makingitself guilty of such secrets; must perforce hold them until the daywhen all hidden things shall be revealed。 Nor have I so read orinterpreted Holy Writ; as to understand that the disclosure of humanthoughts and deeds; then to be made; is intended as a part of theretribution。 That; surely; were a shallow view of it。 No; theserevelations; unless I greatly err; are meant merely to promote theintellectual satisfaction o