第21部分(第4/7 頁)
tory anythingbut secure。 X。 THE LEECH AND HIS PATIENT。 OLD Roger Chillingworth; throughout life; had been calm intemperament; kindly; though not of warm affections; but ever; and inall his relations with the world; a pure and upright man。 He had begunan investigation; as he imagined; with the severe and equalintegrity of a judge; desirous only of truth; even as if thequestion involved no more than the air…drawn lines and figures of ageometrical problem; instead of human passions; and wrongs inflictedon himself。 But; as he proceeded; a terrible fascination; a kind offierce; though still calm; necessity seized the old man within itsgripe; and never set him free again; until he had done all itsbidding。 He now dug into the poor clergyman's heart; like a minersearching for gold; or; rather; like a sexton delving into a grave;possibly in quest of a jewel that had been buried on the dead man'sbosom; but likely to find nothing save mortality and corruption。Alas for his own soul; if these were what he sought! Sometimes; a light glimmered out of the physician's eyes; burningblue and ominous; like the reflection of a furnace; or; let us say;like one of those gleams of ghastly fire that darted from Bunyan'sawful doorway in the hill…side; and quivered on the pilgrim's face。The soil where this dark miner was working had perchance shownindications that encouraged him。 〃This man;〃 said he; at one such moment; to himself; 〃pure as theydeem him… all spiritual as he seems… hath inherited a strong animalnature from his father or his mother。 Let us dig a little farther inthe direction of this vein!〃 Then; after long search into the minister's dim interior; andturning over many precious materials; in the shape of high aspirationsfor the welfar