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nments by joining in theincantations of the savage priests; who were universallyacknowledged to be powerful enchanters; often performing seeminglymiraculous cures by their skill in the black art。 A large number…and many of these were persons of such sober sense and practicalobservation that their opinions would have been valuable in othermatters… affirmed that Roger Chillingworth's aspect had undergone aremarkable change while he had dwelt in town; and especially since hisabode with Mr。 Dimmesdale。 At first; his expression had been calm;meditative; scholar…like。 Now; there was something ugly and evil inhis face; which they had not previously noticed; and which grewstill the more obvious to sight; the oftener they looked upon him。According to the vulgar idea; the fire in his laboratory had beenbrought from the lower regions; and was fed with infernal fuel; andso; as might be expected; his visage was getting sooty with the smoke。 To sum up the matter; it grew to be a widely diffused opinion;that the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale; like many other personages ofespecial sanctity; in all ages of the Christian world; was hauntedeither by Satan himself; or Satan's emissary; in the guise of oldRoger Chillingworth。 This diabolical agent had the Divinepermission; for a season; to burrow into the clergyman's intimacy; andplot against his soul。 No sensible man; it was confessed; coulddoubt on which side the victory would turn。 The people looked; with anunshaken hope; to see the minister e forth out of the conflict;transfigured with the glory eanwhile; nevertheless; it was sad to think of the perchance mortalagony through which he must struggle towards his triumph。 Alas! to judge from the gloom and terror in the depths of the poorminister's eyes; the battle was a sore one; and the vic