第32部分(第5/7 頁)
st thou exhausted possibility in the failure of this orial? Not so! The future is yet full of trial and success。 There ishappiness to be enjoyed! There is good to be done! Exchange this falselife of thine for a true one。 Be; if thy spirit summon thee to sucha mission; the teacher and apostle of the red men。 Or… as is morethy nature… be a scholar and a sage among the wisest and the mostrenowned of the cultivated world。 Preach! Write! Act! Do anything;save to lie down and die! Give up this name of Arthur Dimmesdale;and make thyself another; and a high one; such as thou canst wearwithout fear or shame。 Why wouldst thou tarry so much as one other dayin the torments that have so gnawed into thy life!… that have madethee feeble to will and to do!… that will leave thee powerless even torepent! Up; and away!〃 〃O Hester!〃 cried Arthur Dimmesdale; in whose eyes a fitful light;kindled by her enthusiasm; flashed up and died away; 〃thou tellestof running a race to a man whose knees are tottering beneath him! Imust die here! There is not the strength or courage left me to ventureinto the wide; strange; difficult world; alone!〃 It was the last expression of the despondency of a broken spirit。 Helacked energy to grasp the better fortune that seemed within hisreach。 He repeated the word。 〃Alone; Hester!〃 〃Thou shalt not go alone!〃 answered she; in a deep whisper。 Then; all was spoken! XVIII。 A FLOOD OF SUNSHINE。 ARTHUR DIMMESDALE gazed into Hester's face with a look in which hopeand joy shone out; indeed; but with fear betwixt them; and a kind ofhorror at her boldness; who had spoken what he vaguely hinted at;but dared not speak。 But Hester Prynne; with a mind of native courage and activity; andfor so long a period not merely est