第32部分(第6/7 頁)
ranged; but outlawed; from society;had habituated herself to such latitude of speculation as wasaltogether foreign to the clergyman。 She had wandered; without rule orguidance; in a moral wilderness; as vast; as intricate and shadowy; asthe untamed forest; amid the gloom of which they were now holding acolloquy that was to decide their fate。 Her intellect and heart hadtheir home; as it were; in desert places; where she roamed as freelyas the wild Indian in his woods。 For years past she had looked fromthis estranged point of view at human institutions; and whateverpriests or legislators had established; criticising all with hardlymore reverence than the Indian would feel for the clerical band; thejudicial robe; the pillory; the gallows; the fireside; or thechurch。 The tendency of her fate and fortunes had been to set herfree。 The scarlet letter was her passport into regions where otherwomen dared not tread。 Shame; Despair; Solitude! These had been herteachers… stern and wild ones… and they had made her strong; buttaught her much amiss。 The minister; on the other hand; had never gone through anexperience calculated to lead him beyond the scope of generallyreceived laws; although; in a single instance; he had so fearfullytransgressed one of the most sacred of them。 But this had been a sinof passion; not of principle; nor even purpose。 Since that wretchedepoch; he had watched; with morbid zeal and minuteness; not hisacts… for those it was easy to arrange… but each breath of emotion;and his every thought。 At the head of the social system; as theclergyman of that day stood; he was only the more trammelled by itsregulations; its principles; and even its prejudices。 As a priest; theframework of his order inevitably hemmed him in。 As a man who had oncesinned; but who kept his co