第32部分(第4/7 頁)
ess plainly to beseen at every step; until; some few miles hence; the yellow leaveswill show no vestige of the white man's tread。 There thou art free! Sobrief a journey would bring thee from a world where thou hast beenmost wretched; to one where thou mayest still be happy! Is there notshade enough in all this boundless forest to hide thy heart from thegaze of Roger Chillingworth?〃 〃Yes; Hester; but only under the fallen leaves!〃 replied theminister; with a sad smile。 〃Then there is the broad pathway of the sea!〃 continued Hester。〃It brought thee hither。 If thou so choose; it will bear thee backagain。 In our native land; whether in some remote rural village orin vast London… or; surely; in Germany; in France; in pleasantItaly… thou wouldst be beyond his power and knowledge! And what hastthou to do with all these iron men; and their opinions? They have keptthy better part in bondage too long already!〃 〃It cannot be!〃 answered the minister; listening as if he werecalled upon to realise a dream。 〃I am powerless to go! Wretched andsinful as I am; I have had no other thought than to drag on my earthlyexistence in the sphere where Providence hath placed me。 Lost as myown soul is; I would still do what I may for other human souls! I darenot quit my post; though an unfaithful sentinel; whose sure rewardis death and dishonour; when his dreary watch shall e to an end!〃 〃Thou art crushed under this seven years' weight of misery;〃 repliedHester; fervently resolved to buoy him up with her own energy。 〃Butthou shalt leave it all behind thee! It shall not cumber thy steps; asthou treadest along the forest…path; neither shalt thou freight theship with it; if thou prefer to cross the sea。 Leave this wreck andruin here where it hath happened。 Meddle no more with it! Begin allanew! Ha