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第66章 解決方案(第2/4 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 彈幕劇透被換崽,真千金重生殺瘋了真千金出獄後,哥哥們跪求原諒七零:醫妻駕到,冷麵硬漢寵上天辜負我真心,離婚你後悔什麼?拿她當墊腳石?嫡女重生另嫁王爺被逐出宗門後我名滿修真界重回我爸媽的高中時代農門嬌妻超旺夫,清冷權臣寵上天拿我換城池,我走了將軍哭什麼?替姐生子?重生後我撩帝心奪後位七零閨蜜嫁糙漢,絕嗣宋家一年抱仨命理之弓(西幻nph)八零,嫁最強糙漢,養最卷崽崽情上鎖重生八零,退婚嫁給隔壁糙漢小手一揮,崽崽回村當村溜子咯!夫人快分手,霍總蹲牆角等三年了被反派強制愛假少爺和真少爺破鏡重圓了穿越成刺客,先殺我夫君?

ck with your work.” (當然。祝您工作順利。)

顧昱珩俯身親吻了江知唸的額頭,說道:“take care, my love. I'll be back as soon as possible.” (照顧好自己,親愛的。我會盡快回來。)



校長安慰道:“don't worry, mrs. Gu. I'm sure he'll handle the problem well.” (別擔心,顧太太。我相信他會處理好問題的。)

江知念微笑著回應:“Yes, he always does.” (是的,他一直都可以。)


校長輕輕抿了一口咖啡,目光誠懇地看著江知念,說道:“Jiang, it's truly a pity that you gave up teaching. we just couldn't keep someone as talented as you. Your classes were always so inspiring, and your students adored you. they would often e to me, praising your teaching methods and the passion you brought to the classroom. Your lectures were like a beacon of knowledge, guiding them in the vast sea of learning.” (江,你放棄教學活動實在太可惜了。我們就是留不住像你這樣有才華的人啊!你的課總是那麼鼓舞人心,你的學生們都很崇拜你。他們經常來找我,稱讚你的教學方法和你帶給課堂的熱情。你的講座就像知識的燈塔,在浩瀚的學海中為他們指引方向。)

江知念微笑著,眼神中透著溫柔,回應道:“president, now I just want to spend more time with my son and family. they are my priority at the moment. I want to witness my son's growth every step of the way. I want to be there for his first words, his first steps, and all the little milestones in his life. my son is just over four years old, and this is such a precious age for him.” (校長,現在我只想多陪陪兒子和家人。他們此刻是我的首要任務。我想見證兒子成長的每一步。我想在他第一次說話、第一次走路,以及他生命中的所有小里程碑時都在他身邊。我的兒子四歲多了,這對他來說是如此珍貴的年齡。)

校長點了點頭,理解地說道:“I can understand your feelings. but this time, our university has in-depth exchange and cooperation with the universities here in Jingxi city. we are planning to send professors from Victoria University to study and exchange here for half a year. I sincerely hope you can participate. this is not only beneficial for the academic development of both sides but also a chance for you to reconn

