第66章 解決方案(第3/4 頁)
ect with the academic world you once loved. It's a rare opportunity that doesn't e often. think about how this could enrich your son's future as well, by setting a positive example of pursuing knowledge and growth.” (我能理解你的感受。但這次,我們學校和京西市這邊的大學深入交流合作,準備要派出維克利亞大學的教授來京西市學習交流半年。我真心希望你能參與。這不僅對雙方的學術發展有益,也是你重新與曾經熱愛的學術世界建立聯絡的機會。這是一個難得的機會,並不常有。想想這也能為你兒子的未來添彩,為他樹立追求知識和成長的積極榜樣。)
江知念微微皺起眉頭,有些猶豫地說道:“president, I'm currently managing a pany and already have less time to spend with my son. If I take part in this, it would be even less. I don't want to miss out on precious moments with him. my son is at a crucial stage of growth, and I want to be a part of it. Right now, he needs my presence and guidance more than ever.” (校長,我現在還要管理公司,陪兒子的時間已經很少了。如果參加這個,就更少了。我不想錯過和他在一起的珍貴時光。我的兒子正處於成長的關鍵階段,我想參與其中。現在,他比以往任何時候都更需要我的陪伴和引導。)
校長身體微微前傾,勸說道:“Jiang, this is a great opportunity for both you and the university. Your experience and expertise would be invaluable during this exchange. And think about it, it could also bring new perspectives and resources to your pany. It's not just about the academic aspect; it could have a positive impact on your business as well. It's a win-win situation. besides, this experience might inspire you to find better ways to balance work and family in the long run.” (江,這對你和學校來說都是一個很好的機會。在這次交流中,你的經驗和專業知識將是無比寶貴的。而且想想看,這也可能為你的公司帶來新的視角和資源。這不只是學術方面的;它也可能對你的業務產生積極的影響。這是一個雙贏的局面。此外,這次經歷可能會激勵你從長遠來看找到更好的平衡工作和家庭的方法。)
江知念輕輕攪動著面前的咖啡,陷入了沉思。過了好一會兒,她緩緩抬起頭,說道:“president, let me think about it. I need to balance my family and career carefully. It's a tough decision, and I want to make the right choice for everyone involved. I need to consider all the factors and implications.” (校長,讓我想一想。我需要仔細權衡家庭和事業。這是一個艱難的決定,我想為所有相關的人做出正確的選擇。我需要考慮所有的因素和影響。)