第66章 解決方案(第1/4 頁)
校長笑著說道:“this dessert looks amazing. It seems we are in for a treat.” (這個甜點看起來太棒了。看來我們有口福了。)
江知念拿起勺子,輕輕挖了一小塊蛋糕,送到顧昱珩嘴邊,俏皮地說:“honey, try this.” (親愛的,嚐嚐這個。)
顧昱珩寵溺地看著她,張嘴吃下了蛋糕,點頭稱讚道:“It's delicious. my dear, you should have some too.” (很好吃。親愛的,你也應該吃點。)
校長看著他們之間的甜蜜互動,不禁感嘆道:“the love between you two is so palpable. It makes me believe in true love again.” (你們之間的愛如此明顯。這讓我又相信真愛了。)
江知念關切地問道:“what's wrong, honey?” (怎麼了,親愛的?)
顧昱珩略帶歉意地說道:“It's an urgent call from the pany. I need to step aside for a moment.” (公司的緊急電話,我需要出去接一下。)
江知念理解地點點頭:“Go ahead. we'll wait for you.” (去吧。我們等你。)
顧昱珩起身離開座位,走到餐廳外的走廊上接聽電話。電話那頭傳來下屬焦急的聲音:“mr. Gu, there's a major problem with the project. we need your immediate decision.” (顧總,專案出現了重大問題,需要您馬上做決定。)
顧昱珩的臉色變得嚴肅起來,他冷靜地思考著解決方案,說道:“don't panic. Let me think for a moment...” (別慌。讓我想一想......)
江知念擔憂地看著他,問道:“honey, is everything okay?” (親愛的,一切都還好嗎?)
顧昱珩微微嘆了口氣,說道:“there's a bit of a problem at the pany that needs my attention. I'm afraid I have to go back and deal with it.” (公司有點問題需要我去處理,恐怕我得回去了。)
江知念輕輕握住他的手,說道:“I understand. work es first. don't worry about us.” (我理解。工作要緊,別擔心我們。)
校長也說道:“business is important. I hope everything goes well for you, mr. Gu.” (生意重要。希望您一切順利,顧先生。)
顧昱珩感激地看了看他們,說道:“thank you for your understanding. I'm sorry to have to cut this short. president, it was a pleasure meeting you. I hope we have more opportunities to talk in the future.” (謝謝你們的理解。很抱歉要提前結束,校長,很高興見到您,希望未來有更多機會交流。)
校長微笑著點頭:“definitely. Good lu