第34部分(第3/6 頁)
sh administration。
GEORGE W。 BUSH: Conquering poverty creates new customers。 What some call globalization is in fact the triumph of human liberty stretching across national borders; and it holds the promise of delivering billions of the world's citizens from disease and hunger and want。
RICHARD CHENEY: At this stage I don't find in my travels around the country or even around the world that there is widespread opposition to the basic fundamental trends that have been there for the last 40 or 50 years。 Millions of people a day are better off than they would have been without those trends and development; without globalization; without the developments of the increased international merce; and that's all of the good。 And very few people have been harmed by it。
RICHARD CHENEY:今天,當我在全國甚至是全世界旅行時,我沒有發現對存在了40或50年的基本趨勢的廣泛反對。沒有這些趨勢和發展、沒有全球化、沒有日益增加的國際貿易的發展以及沒有這一切有益的事情,成百萬的人們不能生活得象現在這樣好。而且幾乎沒有人被這種趨勢所傷害。
Onscreen caption: San Cristobal; Mexico; February 2001
銀幕上得標題:San Cristobal,墨西哥,2001年2月
NARRATOR: On his first foreign trip; President Bush came to Mexico。 His friend Vicente Fox wanted to use the global market to relieve his nation's endemic poverty。
旁白:就任後的第一次出訪,布什總統訪問了墨西哥。他的朋友Vicente Fox希望全球化能緩解墨西哥的貧窮。
VICENTE FOX: Mexico has been one of the losers of the 20th century。 We tried many different alternatives to development; and unfortunately we have 40 percent of the population poor; we have a per capita ine that is extremely low。 It is the same per capita ine we had 25 years ago; so we must change things。
VICENTE FOX:墨西哥是20世紀的失敗者。我們雖然嘗試了各種辦法來發展經濟,但不幸的是我們仍然有40%的貧困人口,以及極低的人均國民收入。
NARRATOR: Presidents Bush a