第1部分(第3/6 頁)
凱恩斯透過為盟國政府規劃戰時經濟來幫助他們捍衛自由。 哈耶克則認為政府幹預經濟是對自由的威脅。
DANIEL YERGIN: The debate over market forces; whether you have economy that's based upon prices or on state; planning has been at the very heart of the economic battles of the last 100 years。 For decades; the ideas of John Maynard Keynes dominated the economies of the Western world。
JOSEPH STANISLAW; Co…Author; manding Heights: Keynes felt that the market economy would go to excesses; and when things were in difficulty the market wouldn't work。 Therefore the government had to step in。 Hayek felt that the market would eventually take care of itself。
JOSEPH STANISLAW; 《制高點》的聯合作者:凱恩斯認為市場經濟會產生過剩;困難時期市場不起作用。因此政府必須介入。哈耶克則認為市場最終自會處理自身的問題。
DANIEL YERGIN: It was only when Hayek was a very old man that his ideas began to prevail and the world began to change。
NARRATOR: At the start of the 20th century; Hayek and Keynes had witnessed the first age of globalization。 Every day life was being transformed everywhere。 Technologies like the telegraph and the telephone revolutionized munications。 Steamships and railways made the world a smaller place。 Tens of millions migrated without the need for passports。
Keynes described this global market in which trade flowed freely。
OHN MAYNARD KEYNES: The inhabitant of London could order by telephone; sipping his morning tea; the various products of the whole earth; and reasonably expect their early delivery upon his doorstep。 Militarism and imperialism of racial and cu