第16部分(第4/6 頁)
e of ";Contain munism。"; That wasn't enough for Ronald Reagan and me; and we thought we should make it quite clear to munism that it could and would never win; and that we would go and fight the battle of ideas between what the free world had to offer; pared with the dictatorship and tyranny and cruelty of munism。
瑪格麗特。撒切爾(Margaret Thatcher):直到那個時候,整個教條都是要去“抑制共產主義”,而這在我和里根這裡是不夠的,我們認為,我們必須讓共產主義清楚他們不會成功,也永遠不可能成功,並表明我們將為自由社會的理想而戰鬥,戰勝共產主義的獨裁、專制和殘暴。
NARRATOR: Ever since Gorbachev's first visit to Britain; Margaret Thatcher never missed the opportunity to debate him on the evils and inefficiencies of munism and its system of central planning。
旁白:自從戈爾巴喬夫(Gorbachev)首次訪問英國後,瑪格麗特。撒切爾(Margaret Thatcher)便開始抓住一切機會與其辯論共產主義及其中央計劃體制的罪惡和低效。
OLEG GORDIEVSKY: Speaking to Gorbechev; she said: ";Mikhail; you see how your economy is organized …… centralized; entirely led by the Kremlin。 Look at me in Britain and the West。 We have market economy; and it is running itself。 I don't have to tell different industries what to do。 I don't deal with it at all。 My job pared with your job is much easier。 And you would be able to enjoy your job as head of the Soviet Union much more if you had a market economy。";
奧列格。戈德爾維斯基(Oleg Gordievsky):她對戈爾巴喬夫(Gorbachev)說:“米哈伊,你看吧,看看你們的經濟是怎樣組織的——克里姆林宮高度的集權。再看看我們英國,看看西方國家,我們是市場經濟,其自身就能運轉良好,我不需要告訴每個行業做什麼,我們根本不需要管這些事,我的工作跟你比起來 輕鬆多了,我相信如果你們實行市場經濟的話,作為蘇聯領導人你將會愜意得多。”
NARRATOR: In 1987 President Reagan carried this war of words to the most symbolic section of the Iron Curtain: the Berlin Wall。
RONALD REAGAN: General Secretary Gorbachev; if you seek peace; if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe; if you seek liberalization; e here to this ga