第16部分(第3/6 頁)
e an infrastructure for market economics。 We had several generations with no experience of markets。 You can't just announce the markets and see them appear overnight。 I was actually saying it will take a generation for it to start working。
米哈伊。戈爾巴喬夫(Mikhail Gorbachev):“改革”是一項旨在透過逐步的政治改革以建立市場經濟基礎的改革。我們擁有幾代沒有市場經驗的人民,你不能只口頭上宣稱實現市場經濟,而指望一覺醒來就大功告成了,我當時其實是說要使市場基本發揮作用,我們要花一代人的時間投入。
DANIEL YERGIN: He started to allow a certain amount of private enterprise; but it was really a very uneven process。 He ended up removing many of the tools of control of central planning; but didn't really replace them with anything else。
丹尼爾。尤金(Daniel Yergin):他開始允許一部分私有企業存在,但這確實是一條不平坦的過程。他廢除了許多中央計劃的控制工具,但沒有采用其它任何措施來替代這些工具。
NARRATOR: Gorbachev faced mounting pressure from the West。 The
旁白:戈爾巴喬夫(Gorbachev)承受著來自西方的越來越大的壓力,美國總統信奉米爾頓。弗裡德曼(Milton Freidman)和芝加哥的經濟哲學。
Ronald Reagan was not alone。 He had a political soul mate in Margaret Thatcher。 Britain's prime minister had already embarked on a radical free…market economic revolution at home。 Thatcher and Reagan were determined to go on the ideological offensive。 Their political rhetoric began to heat up。
羅納德。里根(Ronald Reagan)並不孤立,他還擁有一個政治同盟瑪格麗特。撒切爾(Margaret Thatcher),英國首相已經成功地在國內進行了激進的自由市場經濟改革。撒切爾和里根決定繼續進行意識形態攻擊,他們的政治甜言密語開始不斷升溫。
RONALD REAGAN; ; 1981…1989: What I am describing now is a plan and a hope for the long term; the march of freedom and democracy which will leave Marxism…Leninism on the ash heap of history; as it has left other tyrannies which stifle the freedom and muzzle the self…expression of the people。
美國總統(1981…1989) 羅納德。里根(Ronald Reagan):我現在所描繪的是一個長期計劃或者說是希望,自由和民主運動將會把馬克思列寧主義拋進歷史的灰堆,就像其拋棄其它阻礙自由和束縛思想的暴政一樣。
MARGARET THATCHER: Up to that time; the whole doctrine had been on