第21部分(第4/6 頁)
Five…Year Plan"; started to say ";market;"; ";democracy;"; ";freedom。";
格里格利。葉維林斯基(Grigory Yavlinsky):在東歐,進行的是真正的民主革命。在那裡,真正地取代了政治勢力;而在俄羅斯,同一個人只需要換一下衣服和房間裡的掛像就可以改頭換面了,他們只需要把“共產主義”、“列寧”、“五年計劃”等等這樣一些字眼換成“市場”、“民主”、“自由”就行了。
ANATOLY CHUBAIS: I do remember one of the first meetings with the directors; which was very tough; very tough。 They hate the language we speak; they hate the face we have。 They hate everything which was connected with us。 These guys were the real owners of the country。 I was fighting for the real manding heights in terms of who runs the economy。 Who runs the economy; market or the Soviet directors?
阿那特利。丘拜斯(Anatoly Chubais):我清楚地記得首次與這些企業領導們會面時的情景,真是非常非常困難,他們痛恨我們說話的方式,他們痛恨我們的長相,他們痛恨一切與我們有關的東西,這些人是國家的真正所有者,我們為了獲得真正的制高點就誰主宰經濟的問題作著鬥爭,誰主宰經濟:市場還是蘇維埃的企業領導們?
NARRATOR: The vast factory plex at Norilsk was to bee a major battleground between the Red Directors and a new kind of Russian。 Vladimir Potanin was a buccaneering businessman who quit his job in the foreign ministry and within a few years built a small trading pany into one of Russia's leading banks。
旁白:在諾里爾斯克(Norilsk)這一龐大的綜合工業基地將成為紅色領導人(Red Director)和新俄羅斯人鬥爭的主要陣地。弗拉基米爾。波大林(Vladimir Potanin)是一個海盜式的商人,他辭去了在外交部的職務,建立了一個小貿易公司,並在幾年之內把這家公司變成了俄羅斯最大的銀行之一。
VLADIMIR POTANIN; President; Interros Holding pany: I decided to bee a businessman at the moment when I understood that it is possible。 I grew in a country where it was not possible; and there existed even a special article in a penal court of the Soviet Union which banished entrepreneuring activity。
Interros控股公司(Interros Holding pany)總裁弗拉基米爾。波大林(Vladimir Potanin):當我意識到有可能了時,我決定要成為一名商人,我生長在一個不可能做這件事的國家,在蘇聯的刑事法庭中甚至存在一個特別的條款用以處罰創業性活動。
NARRATOR: Potanin's next venture would lead some