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第21部分(第3/6 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 兒童故事三百篇四合院:重生傻柱,我有無敵空間NBA:浪子老闆,打造紫金十冠網遊:垃圾天賦超神技從火影開始旅行山海經之災厄將至開局木筏:靠萬倍增幅征服世界觸靈偵探事務所震驚:我的室友,竟然是巔峰第一壞傢伙他只想撈錢!全民穿越:死靈法師的崛起幻界風雲錄榮總輕點騙,葉少要心疼融合世界後李蓮花的各種可能門面居然跟全能隊長是真情侶火影忍者:春野櫻的叛逆之路綜漫之亞刻奧特曼報恩?我看你是想以身相許!重生:股市大鱷李明求生:開局萬人屠但我是個好人

t economy was taking hold; but it was getting off to a shaky start。


In Moscow; speculation was rampant in what some called the "Wild East。"


JEFFREY SACHS: A lot of societies have corruption; but Russia had an elite that had grown up in such an amoral environment under the Soviet system that they really did believe that property is theft。 "Okay; now we're in a private…property system; we'll steal it。" And Russia had a lot to steal。 You had the oil; the gas; the nickel; the chromium; the diamonds; the gold …… this extraordinary bination of huge natural resource reserves; and they were in state hands。

傑裴裡。薩克斯(Jeffrey Sachs):許多社會都有腐敗,但是在俄羅斯,有這樣一批在蘇維埃體制的沒有道德規範的環境下成長起來的社會精英,他們確實認為財產就是盜竊,“好吧,現在我們處在私有產權制度下了,我們也偷一點吧。”俄羅斯有很多東西可以偷,有油,有氣,有鎳,有鉻,有鑽石,有黃金——有非常多的自然資源儲備,這些原來都在國家手中。

書 包 網 txt小說上傳分享

Chapter 19: Property Bees Theft '6:18'

第十九章: 國有財產被侵吞了

NARRATOR: The biggest panies; the major industries were still controlled by their all…powerful managers; former Soviet "apparatchiks" known as the Red Directors。 They were utterly opposed to the young reformers and privatization。 The only way to privatize the manding heights of the Russian economy was to wrest control away from the Red Directors。

旁白:最大的公司,主要的企業仍然被它們的全權經理們控制著,這些人是前蘇維埃的信徒,被稱為紅色領導人(Red Directors),他們徹底反對年輕一輩的改革家,反對私有化,將俄羅斯的經濟制高點私有化的唯一出路是剝奪這些紅色領導人的控制權。

GRIGORY YAVLINSKY: In Eastern Europe; the real democratic revolution happened。 it was a real replacement of the political elite。 In Russia; the same people changed their jackets and changed the portraits in the rooms; and instead of saying "munism" and "Lenin" and "


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