第21部分(第5/6 頁)
to see him as an inspired entrepreneur; others as a robber baron。 In 1995 he decided to make a play for Norilsk Nickel; but to take over Norilsk meant going up against one of the most powerful of the old Red Directors; Anatoly Filatov。
旁白:波大林(Potanin)接下來成立的公司使得一部分人認為他是一名優秀的企業家,而另一部分人則把他看作是強盜資本家:1995年,他決定參與經營諾里爾斯克鎳廠(Norilsk Nickel),但是,接管鎳廠意味著要反對一個最有影響力的紅色領導人(Red Directors)——阿那多尼。菲勒多夫(Anatoly Filatov)。
BORIS JORDAN: Filatov of Norilsk; the hardest guy; one of the most powerful men in Russia。 Potanin; who was at that time a relatively unknown person in this country; went up against this guy。 Norilsk Nickel was the test case。
鮑里斯。喬丹:諾里爾斯克的菲勒多夫(Filatov)是最難對付的傢伙,他是俄羅斯最有影響的人物之一,波大林(Potanin)那時候在這個國家還不起眼,他站起來反對這個人,諾里爾斯克鎳廠(Norilsk Nickel)成了一個考驗。
NARRATOR: Potanin needed allies。 These were the richest of the new entrepreneurs。 They came to be known and hated as ";the oligarchs。";
VLADIMIR POTANIN: By 1995; we had new business elite who in my opinion were efficient owners and qualified managers; but they had no property in their hands。 That's why it was the struggle between old Red Directors and new managers who gained their money let's say themselves。
弗拉基米爾。波大林(Vladimir Potanin):到1995年,我們已經有了新的商業精英,在我看來這些人都是非常有效率的所有者和訓練有素的經理,但是他們手裡沒有財產,他們只能透過自己賺錢,這就是為什麼在老紅色領導人(Red Directors)和新生代的經理們之間要進行鬥爭的原因,
NARRATOR: To break the power of the Red Directors; the oligarchs needed political support。
旁白:要衝破紅色領導人(Red Directors)的力量,寡頭們需要政治上的支援。
VLADIMIR POTANIN: It was politically very difficult to withdraw this power from the Red Directors。 Even the government and even Chubais were not strong enough to win easily this struggle。
弗拉基米爾。波大林(Vladimir Potani