第26部分(第2/6 頁)
those opportunities; if we don't do that; I'm afraid that some of the predictions that were made a long time ago by Karl Marx and Mr。 Engels and others 'will e true; and' that there will indeed be a confrontation between the haves and the have…nots that can bring the entire system down。
BILL CRIST:如果我們不涉足這些新興市場,如果我們不去充當福音傳道者,如果你願意,應努力鼓勵他們進行改革並將一些基金投資到這些市場裡去,利用這些機遇。如果我們不這樣做,恐怕馬克思和恩格斯在很久以前所做的預言就要變成現實了——在窮人和富人之間將出現對峙,並將使整個體系土崩瓦解。
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Chapter 7: Averting a Meltdown: 1994 '4:56'
第七章: 避免垮臺1994
Onscreen caption: Mexico; January 1994
NARRATOR: The very day NAFTA came into effect; Zapatista rebels launched an uprising in Southern Mexico。 Shortly afterward; the leading presidential candidate was assassinated。
Worried about stability; foreign investment began to flee。 The global economy was about to face a new kind of crisis。
Onscreen caption: Washington; December 1994
ROBERT RUBIN: Christmas vacation; I was fishing down in the British Virgin Islands; and Larry Summers '; 1999…2001' called me; and he said; ";There's some problems in Mexico I'd like you to know about。"; And I thought to myself that it was nice of Larry to call on the one hand; on the other hand I'm on vacation; and; you know; Mexico today; it'll be some other country tomorrow; and I don't know why this can't wait till I get back。 Well; it turned out that this was not just another country。 It was a very; very serious matter。
羅伯特魯賓:在聖誕節期間,我正在英屬維京群島釣魚,薩墨斯 '美國財長; 1999…2001'給我打來電話,他說:“我想讓你知道一些墨西哥發生的問題”。一方面,我覺得他給我打電話是好事,而另一方面,我又在度假,你知道的,墨西哥的今天將是其它一些國家的明天,我不知道為什麼不能等我回去以後在告訴我呢?結果這還不是其它國家,這是一個非