第26部分(第1/6 頁)
to bring down their barriers。
LAURA TYSON,美國國家經濟理事會主席,1993…1995:道理就是這樣的。如果我們回顧一下他的第一個任期,許多關於經濟問題的政策都旨在打破美國公司的壁壘。我們將與我們的貿易伙伴接觸,鼓勵、推動或者說服他們取消這些壁壘。
NARRATOR: Many developing countries had been colonies of the West。 Although they now wanted long…term foreign investment; some saw fast…moving flows of money as a new threat to their independence。
MAHATHIR BIN MOHAMAD; Prime Minister of Malaysia: Once munism was defeated; then capitalism could expand and show its true self。 It's no longer constrained by the need to be nice; so that people will choose their so…called free…market system as opposed to the centrally planned system。 So because of that; nowadays there is nothing to restrain capital; and capital is demanding that it should be able to go anywhere and do whatever it likes。
馬哈蒂爾,馬來西亞首相:共產主義失敗以後,資本主義就能夠進行擴張並表現出本來面目。 它會因為需要總是表現出善良的一面而限制自己,所以人們將選擇他們和集中計劃式系統相反的所謂自由市場體系。由於這個原因,今天沒有什麼力量能對資金進行限制,資金的要求也非常苛刻,它應該能夠流向它所喜歡的任何地方並做任何事情。
NARRATOR: Some called it ";the triumph of capitalism。"; During the 1990s; more countries than ever adopted market economics。
As an economics professor; Bill Crist had taught a course paring Marxist and capitalist theory。 As president of CalPERS; the California state pension fund; Crist came to believe that only open markets could ensure global stability。
作為一名經濟學教授,Bill Crist曾教授過馬克思主義和資本主義理論比較課程,作為CalPERS——加州養老基金的總裁,Bill Crist逐漸認識到:只有開放的市場才能確保全球穩定。
BILL CRIST: If we don't reach out to these emerging markets; if we don't be evangelists; if you will; and try to encourage them to reform and invest some of our capital funds into these markets; taking advantage of