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第17部分(第4/6 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 兒童故事三百篇四合院:重生傻柱,我有無敵空間NBA:浪子老闆,打造紫金十冠網遊:垃圾天賦超神技從火影開始旅行山海經之災厄將至開局木筏:靠萬倍增幅征服世界觸靈偵探事務所震驚:我的室友,竟然是巔峰第一壞傢伙他只想撈錢!全民穿越:死靈法師的崛起幻界風雲錄榮總輕點騙,葉少要心疼融合世界後李蓮花的各種可能門面居然跟全能隊長是真情侶火影忍者:春野櫻的叛逆之路綜漫之亞刻奧特曼報恩?我看你是想以身相許!重生:股市大鱷李明求生:開局萬人屠但我是個好人

oing through college in Texas; the first question you'd be asked is "Who's the president of Bolivia this week?" Second question down the road was "You're from Bolivia …… what's the inflation rate in Bolivia this week?;" because we had galloping hyperinflation that destroyed our economic base。

###總統喬治。昆拉伽(Jorge Quiroga):當我在德克薩斯上大學時,人們見到我問的第一個問題通常是“這周的###總統是誰啊?”,接下來的第二個問題便是:“你從###來?###這周的通貨膨脹率是多少啊?”因為我們承受著惡性的通貨膨脹,它摧毀了我們的整個經濟基礎。

GONZALO "GONI" SANCHEZ DE LOZADA; President; Bolivia; 1993…1997: We found that Bolivia was the seventh highest inflation in the history of man。

###總統(1993…1997)孔塞洛。桑切斯。洛塞塔(Gonzalo "Goni" Sanchez De Lozada):我們發現###的通貨膨脹率是人類歷史上第七高的通貨膨脹率。

JUAN CARIAGA; Finance Minister; Bolivia; 1986…1988: Twenty…three thousand; five hundred percent。 Prices increased by the hour。

###財政部長(1986…1988)胡安。卡里加(Juan Cariaga):通貨膨脹率是23500%價格每小時都在上漲。

NARRATOR: The cost of food and clothes kept increasing。 Before it was all over; the total inflation averaged 1 percent every 10 minutes。


JORGE QUIROGA: Seven out of 10 Bolivians live in poverty。 The poor people get hurt even more。 They see their pockets being eaten away by inflation that is galloping around。

喬治。昆拉伽(Jorge Quiroga):70%的###人生活在貧困之中,窮人經受的痛苦更大,他們眼看著自己的口袋被肆虐的通貨膨脹所榨乾。

GONZALO SANCHEZ DE LOZADA: It's like a tiger; hyperinflation: If you don't kill it and you only have one bullet; it'll eat you。

孔塞洛。桑切斯。洛塞塔(Gonzalo Sanchez De Lozada):惡性通貨膨脹就像是一隻老虎,你僅有一顆子彈,如果你射不死它的話,它便會吃了你。

NARRATOR: The root of the problem was government finances。 The government was spending 30 times more than it received in taxes。




[重生]影后的秘密吸血鬼騎士之雪戀專寵米蟲 完結全本重生之我是化學家 完含情沫沫幽王盛寵之懶後獨尊