第22部分(第4/6 頁)
ears or less。 It's as though the whole world has changed its mind。 Everywhere …… in India; China; Asia; Latin America; Europe; North America; and above all in the munist world …… governments have retreated from the manding heights of the economy。
丹尼爾。尤金(Daniel Yergin):過去不到20年的時間裡發生的事情是令人震驚的。就好象整個世界都改變了主意。整個世界無論哪兒—印度、中國、拉丁美洲、歐洲、北美—尤其是在共產主義世界—政府已經從經濟的制高點上撤了下來。
NARRATOR: Having thrown off munism; the countries of Eastern Europe continued to embrace free markets。 Poland has flourished。 What's driving Poland are two million small businesses; almost all started after economic reform。
DANIEL YERGIN: Of all the cases of shock therapy around the world; that in Poland worked just about the best。 It really got the economy going。
丹尼爾。尤金(Daniel Yergin):在全世界休克療法的案例中,波蘭的休克療法效果最好。它確實使波蘭的經濟步入了軌道。
NARRATOR: Businesses like Zofia Bielzyck's gym now employ over half of the country's workforce and produce close to 75 percent of its total output。
旁白:像Zofia Bielzyck的體育館這樣的生意現在吸收了整個國家一半以上的勞動力,產出佔到總產出的75%以上。
ZOFIA BIELZYCK; Gym Owner: After 1990; many panies and foreign firms appeared in Poland。 The forecasts were very good; and I think they have e true。 But we Poles need time for everything to fall into place。
體育館所有人Zofia Bielzyck:1990年後,許多公司和外國企業在波蘭興起,當時預測前景非常看好,我想這真的成為了現實,但我們波蘭人還需要時間來使一切走入正軌。
NARRATOR: In Latin America; the result of reform has been mixed。 Chile continues to set the pace。 A democracy; it follows free…market policies and is one of the world's seven fastest growing economies。
旁白:在拉丁美洲,改革的結果則不盡相同。智利, 一個民主國家,繼續在領跑。它遵循著自由市場政策成為全球增長速度排在第七位的經濟體。
DOMINGO CAVALLO: The first democratic president after Pinochet maintained the reforms and also