第22部分(第5/6 頁)
tried to improve on them。
多明戈。卡菲羅(Domingo Cavallo):皮諾切特之後的第一位民主總統繼續了改革,並且努力推進了改革。
RICARDO LAGOS: It is not something of the right…wing parties nor the left…wing parties。 It's simply sound economic policies。 To learn that took some time。
裡卡多。羅格斯(Ricado Lagos):這既不是右翼黨派的政策,也不是左翼黨派的政策。它僅僅是正確的經濟政策,意識到這點花了我們很長的時間。
NARRATOR: Bolivia is still poor; but it has been growing。
GONZALO SANCHEZ DE LOZADA: Many people would say we're still poor; and I would say to them Bolivia before we stabilized the economy was a poor country with hyperinflation。 Bolivia after we stabilized the economy is a poor country with stability。
孔塞洛。桑切斯。洛塞塔(Gonzalo Sanchez De Lozada):許多人可能會說我們還是很窮,我要對這些人說,在我們穩定經濟以前,###是一個充斥著惡性通貨膨脹的窮國,但在這之後,###是一個穩定的窮國。
CLIVE CROOK: I think there is some disillusionment in Latin America。 They have had problems despite the reforms。 Getting to a steady high rate of growth is a difficult thing; and it certainly requires more than sorting out your inflation problem; and now we see a sort of financial collapse in Argentina。
克利夫。克魯克(Clive Crook):我認為在拉丁美洲一些幻想破滅了。雖然進行了改革,他們還是遇到了一些問題。要使經濟穩步地快速增長是困難的,這顯然不是隻要制止了通貨膨脹問題就行了的。如今,我們又看到了阿根廷的金融崩潰。
DANIEL YERGIN: For several years; Argentina looked like the poster boy for economic reform。 It turned out that the reforms were quite inplete。 The country ran up huge international debts; and in 2002 it had an economic meltdown。
丹尼爾。尤金(Daniel Yergin):幾年來,阿根廷都似乎是經濟改革的招牌,現在看來它的改革是非常不徹底的。國家借了大量的國際債務,而在2002年,其經濟徹底垮臺了。
CLIVE CROOK: At the end of the day; the strains were too much。 And now we see a great deal of political turmoil; raising all kinds of questions for the future。
克利夫克魯克(Clive Crook):到最後,這種壓力太大了。我們現在看到了許多政治###,這給將來提出了各種各樣的問題。