第22部分(第3/6 頁)
INSKY: The task was not to distribute the property between 10 personal friends; there were no need for that。 The task was to give the property to millions of people。
格里格利。葉維林斯基(Grigory Yavlinsky):我們的任務不是在10個私人朋友之間瓜分財產,沒有必要這麼做,我們的任務是要讓成百上千萬的人民得到財產。
VLADIMIR POTANIN: We can say that it was artificially yes。 It was cheap; relatively cheap。 It was not transparent。 Yes。 But I think that it was difficult to avoid。 Maybe it was the only way。
弗拉基米爾。波大林(Vladimir Potanin):我們可以說,這是人為的,是的,是人為的。是便宜,相當便宜,也不透明,是的,這些都是事實。但我想這是很難避免的,也許這是唯一的出路。
GRIGORY YAVLINSKY: The goals are justifying the means。 That's how the Bolsheviks made the revolution in Russia; and that is why it's disaster。 Always when you are using the formula that the goals are justifying the means; you are destroying the goals。
格里格利。葉維林斯基(Grigory Yavlinsky):目標決定手段,這也是布林什維克者進行革命的信條,也是導致災難的原因。通常情況下,如果你用目標決定手段這一公式的話,你實際上是在毀掉目標。
NARRATOR: In Yeltsin's Russia; crony capitalism thrived。 For many; reform came to mean corruption; inflation; and inequality。 Then in 1998; Russia defaulted on its debts; and the stock market crashed。 The Yeltsin era ended with his abrupt resignation on New Year's Day 2000。
Chapter 21: A Decade of Radical Change '7:38'
第二十一章: 激進改革的十年
Onscreen title: The New Century
NARRATOR: By the start of the new millennium; the decade of radical change was over。 A world that not so long ago had looked to socialism; central planning; and protectionism now looked to the market。
DANIEL YERGIN: It's breathtaking what's happened in the last 20 y