第19部分(第3/6 頁)
BALCEROWICZ: I was going for a walk; and we were looking at the prices in the shops; the prices of eggs。
拉扎克。布拉澤維奇(Leszek Balcerowicz):我出去轉了一下,看了看商店裡商品的價格,看了看雞蛋的價格。
NARRATOR: His aides told him to concentrate on the price of eggs。 If eggs appeared; if eggs got cheaper; the market would be working。 Eggs did appear。 And then the price of eggs began to fall。
LESZEK BALCEROWICZ: And I remember that very important day when the prices of eggs are falling。 This was one of the signals that the program; the stabilization program; is working。
拉扎克。布拉澤維奇(Leszek Balcerowicz):我記得雞蛋的價格開始下降的那天,那是非常重要的一天,這是我們的計劃,穩定計劃奏效了的一個訊號。
。 想看書來
Chapter 13: Poland in Transition '2:39'
第十三章: 轉型中的波蘭
NARRATOR: But reforming state…owned heavy industries would prove a much bigger challenge。
LESZEK BALCEROWICZ: Once Poland became free; one of the problems I have to face was a fight about privatization。
拉扎克。布拉澤維奇(Leszek Balcerowicz):當波蘭實現了自由之後,我不得不面臨的一個問題便是私有化的問題。
DANIEL YERGIN: The big problem was the old industries inherited from the munist past; and there were wrenching problems of unemployment; of making them efficient; keeping them running。 And that's where you saw a lot of the pain。
丹尼爾。尤金(Daniel Yergin):問題在於那些從過去共產主義繼承下來的老工業,存在著失業、要提高效率、使其正常運轉等一系列棘手的問題,這就是那些改革最痛苦的地方。
NARRATOR: Making overmanned state…owned industries efficient or profitable meant wide…scale layoffs for Poland's blue…collar workers。
JAN BIELECKI; Prime Minister; Poland; 1991: When I became the prime minister; the euphoria of transition was almost over。 We had 20;000 stri