第19部分(第2/6 頁)
ly serious; I need this written down now。";
傑裴裡。薩克斯(Jeffrey Sachs):我努力地跟他講如何收拾共產主義體制丟下的爛攤子。每隔兩分鐘,他就拍一次桌子,“是,是,是”——“對,對,對,我明白”,我們一直談,——“對,對”——這真的,真的很令人激動,我們像這樣談了好幾個小時,我精疲力竭,房間裡充滿了煙霧,他說,“好吧,搞清楚了,寫出計劃吧。”我們從椅子上站起身來,我說:“這將是我很大的榮幸,我們將盡快給你一些結果。”“不,明天早上我就需要這個計劃。”我笑了,他說,“我是認真的,我需要現在就開始幹。”
We wrote up a plan that night and delivered it the next morning。 They distributed it to the Solidarity members of the Parliament。
NARRATOR: Like Sachs; Solidarity's new finance minister; Leszek Balcerowicz; believed transition had to be rapid and massive。
旁白:與薩克斯(Sachs)一樣,團結工會的新財政部長拉扎克。布拉澤維奇(Leszek Balcerowicz)也認為行動必須迅速和重大。
LESZEK BALCEROWICZ; Finance Minister; Poland; 1989…1991: Just after breakthrough; there is a short period; a period of extraordinary politics。 By definition; people are ready to accept more radical solutions because they are pretty euphoric of freshly regained freedom。 One could use it only in one way; by moving forward very; very quickly。
波蘭財政部長(1989…1991)拉扎克。布拉澤維奇(Leszek Balcerowicz):在團結工會取得突破上臺後,有一段非常短的非常政治時期,這段時間裡,人民已經作好了接受激進解決方案的準備,因為他們正沉浸在剛剛恢復自由的喜悅之中,可以稍微地利用這一點,很快地推進一些改革。
JOSEPH STANISLAW: Poland decided to do what Bolivia did; to introduce shock therapy; cut back on government expenditure and try and introduce a market system and see if it could work。
約瑟夫。斯坦利斯諾(Joseph Stanislaw):波蘭決定學習###的做法,實行休克療法,削減政府開支,償試引進市場體制,看它是否能奏效。
NARRATOR: Prices almost doubled; and shortages didn't end。 All Balcerowicz could do was chew his nails and wait for the law of supply and demand to kick in。 But then; after a few days; farmers began to bring their produce to market。