第19部分(第1/6 頁)
953; Budapest in 1956; Prague 1968。 But the answer was different in Warsaw in 1989。 Solidarity won 99 out of 100 seats。 The head of the Polish munist Party called Moscow for directions。 Mikhail Gorbachev's answer was stunning: ";Do nothing; accept the oute of a free election。"; And that was really the phone call that ended the Cold War。 And of course; the great symbol of the end of the Soviet empire was the fall of the Berlin Wall。 One country after another broke free of munism …… Poland; Hungary; Czechoslovakia; Romania。 1989 was truly a miracle year。
丹尼爾。尤金(Daniel Yergin):以前,在東歐,如果有誰膽敢挑戰蘇聯強權的話,那結果再清楚不過了,必定是坦克、紅軍都一起來了。1953年的柏林、1956年的布達佩斯、1968年的布拉格都是這樣。但1989年華沙的這次不同了,團結工會獲得了99%的席位,波蘭共產黨的領導人向打電話給蘇聯尋求指示,戈爾巴喬夫的回答令人震驚:“什麼都不要做,接受自由選舉的結果吧。”正是這個電話結束了長期的冷戰,當然,蘇維埃帝國崩潰更具代表性的事件是柏林牆的倒塌。一個接一個的國家從共產主義中解放出來—波蘭,匈牙利,捷克斯洛伐克,羅馬尼亞。1989年真是奇蹟的一年。
NARRATOR: Poland was free now。 Solidarity had to liberate the Polish economy。 Late one night Sachs met the Solidarity economist Jacek Kuron in a Warsaw apartment。
旁白:波蘭現在自由了,團結工會不得不解放波蘭的經濟。一天晚上薩克斯(Sachs)在華沙的一所公寓裡會見了團結工會的經濟學家傑西卡。庫勒(Jacek Kuron)。
JEFFREY SACHS: I was trying to explain how you get out of this mess that the munist system had left behind。 Every couple of minutes he would pound on the table; ";Pah; pah; pah"; …… ";Yes; yes; yes; I understand。"; And we'd gone on …… ";Pah; pah"; …… and it was very; you know。。。 it was really exciting。 We went on for a few hours like this。 I was exhausted。 The room was filled with smoke; and he said: ";Okay; clear。 Write up the plan。"; We got up。 I said: ";Well; this will be a great honor。 We'll send you something just as soon as we can。"; ";No; tomorrow morning I need the plan。"; I laughed; and he said; ";I'm absolute