第2部分(第4/6 頁)
at history was on their side; and in less than 30 years; not only Russia; but Eastern Europe; China …… more than a third of humanity …… would be living according to the economic tenets of Marxist Leninism。
Lenin's successor would tighten the munist Party's iron grip on the manding heights of the economy。 Joseph Stalin introduced central planning。 Under him; the munist Party planned and managed every aspect of the economy。 While munism seemed to be forging ahead; capitalism looked to be doomed。
。 想看書來
Chapter 4: A Capitalist Collapse '8:48'
Onscreen title: Vienna; 1923
NARRATOR: Germany and Austria were living with the economic consequences of the peace。 Forced to pay unbearable war reparations; the defeated governments simply printed more money。 The result: inflation; more inflation; hyperinflation。 It took a basket full of paper money to go shopping。
KARL OTTO POHL; President; German Central Bank; 1980…1991: You saw people carrying their money on wheels because you had to pay for a piece of bread billions of reichmarks。
KARL OTTO POHL,1980-1991年德國中央銀行總裁:你看到人們用車子來運鈔票,因為他們不得不花數十億德國馬克萊買一片面包。
NARRATOR: Hayek; who was working at a statistical research institute; needed 200 pay raises in eight months。 Money was cheaper than wallpaper。 Million…mark notes lit stoves。 Shoes that cost 12 marks in 1913 sold for 32 trillion marks in 1923。 In Hitler's favorite beer keller