第2部分(第3/6 頁)
Onscreen title: Moscow; 1922
NARRATOR: In Soviet Russia; it seemed as if von Mises's predictions were ing true。 Lenin had abolished what he saw as the chaos of free markets。 The state controlled the economy。 Wages and prices were fixed。 But the great Marxist experiment was in trouble。 Lenin had an economic disaster on his hands。 Soviet Russia was a grim place; haunted by cold; famine; hunger; and death。
旁白:在蘇聯,Von Mises的預言看起來好像應驗了。列寧結束了他所認為的自由市場混亂狀態。國家控制了經濟。工資和價格是固定的。但是偉大的馬克思主義的試驗陷入了困境。列寧面臨一場經濟災難。蘇聯成了一個嚴酷的地方,飽受寒冷、饑荒、飢餓和死亡的折磨。
DANIEL YERGIN: Lenin knew that he needed a different kind of policy。 and he instituted what would bee known as the New Economic Policy。 Lenin says farmers can sell their own goods and own their own land。 He says that small businesses can operate; and you start to get an economic revival。 Well; his rades on the left attacked him viciously for selling out the principles of Bolshevism and Marxism。 And Lenin; who by this time had already had a stroke and was not well; nevertheless pulled himself up on the platform for one of the very last times in his life; and he was still the old Lenin。 He was vitriolic; he was sarcastic。 His critics; he said; were fools; were stupid; because the state; the government; the Bolsheviks would control the overall economy: steel; railroads; coal; the heavy industries …… what he called the ";manding heights"; of the economy。
NARRATOR: Within a year Lenin was dead。 The mourners at Lenin's funeral believed th