第3部分(第4/6 頁)
at they saw as the recklessness of the unfettered market。
NARRATOR: Privately; Roosevelt feared the market system had failed; so he created an entire alphabet of new agencies to regulate banks; the stock market; capitalism itself。 New headquarters built for the Interstate merce mission celebrated government regulation; which reined in market forces and curbed capitalism。 Under the New Deal; industry became subject to a host of new rules and regulations。
DANIEL YERGIN: And the airline industry was a very good example of that。 You had people go into this business; be very petitive; they'd go bankrupt。 New people would e in; they would go bankrupt。 It was very unstable; so the New Deal stepped in and said; ";We're going to stabilize this industry。 We're going to set the prices that you can charge for tickets。 We're going to tell you what routes you can fly。"; And with that system they eliminated these very vicious cycles of boom and bust in the aviation industry; and in a sense; that was what they were aiming to do throughout the American economy。
Onscreen title: Cambridge University; 1936
NARRATOR: In 1936 John Maynard Keynes finally published his General Theory; a brilliant analysis of how to fight the Depression。 By showing governments that it was possible to manage their economies;