第3部分(第3/6 頁)
y the collapse of the world economy; but the potential collapse of democratic government。 Hitler became chancellor of Germany in 1933。 Democracy seemed to be losing ground; and with democracy; the system of liberty。 So Keynes had to produce an answer to the Great Depression; or democracy would be swamped by totalitarianism。 ROBERT SKIDELSKY:這部著作的寫作背景不僅是世界經濟的崩潰,還有潛在的民主政府垮臺的危機。1933年希特勒成為德國總理。民主似乎正在退卻;與民主一樣的還有自由體制。因此凱恩斯必須為大蕭條找到一個答案,否則民主就會被極權主義吞沒。
Chapter 5: Global Depression '5:26'
Onscreen title: Washington; ; 1933
NARRATOR: The new American president; Franklin Delano Roosevelt; was staring economic disaster in the face。 His wife; Eleanor; described Inauguration Day as ";very solemn; and a little terrifying。";
旁白:新的美國總統-Franklin Delano Roosevelt-面對這場經濟災難表現出色。他的夫人-Eleanor-形容就職典禮日“非常莊嚴,有點令人生畏”。
FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT; : This great nation will endure as it has endured; will revive and will prosper。 I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis: broad executive power。
NARRATOR: Roosevelt's voice of confidence rallied the nation。
He then embarked on a whirlwind program of reform。
DANIEL YERGIN: For Roosevelt and the New Deal; it was a war。 They were at war with the Great Depression; and they responded with frenetic activity; relief programs for the unemployed; for the hungry; programs to get people back to work。 They built dams and highways and national parks。 At the same time they instituted a program of regulating capitalism in a way that had never been done before; in order to protect people from wh