第3部分(第2/6 頁)
mployed are to soar to 15 million。
Onscreen title: Europe; 1931
NARRATOR: Banks collapsed。 Industry ground to a stop。 Millions were out of work。 In Britain; working men; many of them war veterans; marched the length of the country to petition the government for the simple ";right to work。"; In Italy; Spain; and Germany; they marched to a different drum。 With the failure of capitalism; fascism cast its shadow ever wider。 John Maynard Keynes saw his nightmare ing true。
旁白:銀行倒閉;工廠停工;上百萬人失業。工人-他們中的許多人是參加過戰爭的老兵-在全國範圍內舉行示威遊行,向政府要求“工作的權力”。而義大利、西班牙和德國的遊行則發展到另一種不同的結果。隨著資本主義的失敗,法西斯主義擴大了它的影響。John Maynard Keynes看到他的夢魘正在變成事實。
In Cambridge; Keynes set out to save capitalism from itself by writing a book about what caused the Great Depression and what to do about it。 He aimed to rewrite the rules of economics; to see a country's economy as a whole; as a machine that could be managed。
ROBERT SKIDELSKY: Keynes was the real inventor of macroeconomics。 Concepts we take for granted today; like gross domestic product; the level of unemployment; the rate of inflation; all to do with general features of the economy; were invented by him。
ROBERT SKIDELSKY:凱恩斯是宏觀經濟學的真正創始人。我們今天認為理所當然的一些概念,例如國內生產總值、失業水平、通貨膨脹率等所有用來刻畫經濟總體特性的指標,都是他提出來的。
GEOFFREY HARCOURT: He was writing a book which he thought would revolutionize the way we thought about economic systems。 It would also give us the means to make sure they operated better。
GEOFFREY HARCOURT:他認為他正在撰寫的這部著作將使我們考慮經濟體系的方式發生革命性的變化。它還將告訴我們如何讓經濟執行得更好。
ROBERT SKIDELSKY: It was written against the background of not onl