第8部分(第4/6 頁)
KEITH JOSEPH: Because there was a free society in this country。。。。
CECIL PARKINSON; Conservative Minister; 1981…1983; 1987…1989: And he was going right into the lions' den; arguing a case that many people had never heard before。
CECIL PARKINSON,保守黨大臣,1981-1983年:他直入虎穴,辯論很多人已經從未聽過的話題。
MARK GARNETT: Joseph felt that it was his duty to fight back on behalf of the free market。
MARK GARNETT:約瑟夫覺得代表自由市場進行戰鬥是他的責任。
NARRATOR: To revive the economy; Joseph preached that Britain needed more risk…taking; which meant more bankrupts and more millionaires; and less equality。
CECIL PARKINSON: The audience would sort of gasp。 They'd never heard anybody challenging the consensus。
CECIL PARKINSON:聽眾將有些驚訝。他們從未聽過有人挑戰主流意見。
KEITH JOSEPH: Mild inflation seemed a painless way of maintaining full employment; encouraging growth; and expanding the social services。 So the result is that we're now more socialist in many ways than any other developed country outside the munist bloc。
RALPH HARRIS: He used to be smuggled in the back door。 He was genuinely hurt that the students had reacted to this penetrating argument by chucking flour bombs at him。
MARK GARNETT: It was almost a badge of honor that he would e away from these meetings with egg yolk running down his suit。
MARK GARNETT:他離開會場時衣服上帶著打破的雞蛋,這幾乎成了他的榮譽勳章。
NARRATOR: Keith Joseph's most significant adherent was an up…and…ing Conservative politician named Margaret Thatcher。 In Parlia