第8部分(第5/6 頁)
ment and politics; Thatcher's closest friends agree that Keith Joseph's influence on her was crucial。
NIGEL VINSON; Institute of Economic Affairs: She relied on him to give her deep intellectual support。 There's nothing wrong with intuition。 Intuition is reason in a hurry; and Keith just supported and reinforced her intuition。 At the very moment; she needed that support。
NIGEL VINSON,經濟問題研究所:她依靠他來獲取深度的思想支援。直覺沒有錯,直覺是理由,而基思恰恰支援和加強了她的直覺。在非常深刻,她需要這種支援。
NARRATOR: Margaret Thatcher had a gut instinct for market economics。 Her father had been a grocer; and when she was a girl; she had helped him in the shop。 Hardworking and studious; she won a place at Oxford University; where she became interested in student politics。
While she was at Oxford; she read Hayek's Road to Serfdom。 It made a lasting impression on her。 Years later; when she became the first woman to lead the Conservative Party; she once slammed Hayek's book down on a table and announced; ";This is what we believe。";
RALPH HARRIS: (laughs) Thatcher's office came on and said could she e and drop in to see him。 And so she called by; and there was a period of unaccustomed silence from Margaret Thatcher as she sat there; intense; attending to the master's words。
NARRATOR: By 1974; Hayek sensed the world beginning to go his way。
FRIEDRICH VON HAYEK (interviewed in 1978): As for the