第8部分(第2/6 頁)
NARRATOR: A coal miners' strike and an oil crisis plunged the country into darkness。 Voters blamed Ted Heath and voted the Conservatives out of office。
旁白:煤礦工人罷工和石油危機時英國陷入了黑暗之中。選民們歸咎於Ted Heath並把保守黨趕出了政府。
SHOP MANAGER: Well; we're virtually out of business while the power's off。 We've got no sets that we can operate at all。
DAVID YOUNG; Conservative Minister; 1984…1989: We were the sick man of Europe; and the English disease was the disease of strikes; which we had all over the place。 And you know; it was so bad that Herman Kahn of the Hudson Institute wrote a book called The Year 2000; and he saw many things; but the one thing he did see was that the lowest standard of living in Europe in the year 2000 would be shared between Albania and the United Kingdom。 Albania!
DAVID YOUNG,保守黨大臣,1984-1989年:我們是歐洲病人,英國病就是罷工病,這裡到處都有罷工。你知道,情況如此糟糕以至於Hudson Institute的Herman Kahn寫了一本名為《2000年》的書,書中他預言了很多事情,其中一件是在2000年的歐洲,生活水平最低的兩個國家是阿爾巴尼亞和聯合王國。阿爾巴尼亞!
NARRATOR: A minister in the defeated government; 基思?約瑟夫 may have been an unworldly intellectual; but his search for fresh answers would change the way not only Britain but the world thought about economics and society。
KENNETH BAKER: Keith wore a hair shirt; he beat his breast; and said we were to blame; we've got it wrong。 And he did beat his breast。 He was called a Mad Monk。
KENNETH BAKER:基思穿著一件剛毛襯衣,拍著自己的胸膛說我們應承擔責任;我們做錯了。他確實捶胸頓足。他被稱為“瘋狂的修士”。
KEITH JOSEPH (interviewed in 1975): I thought I was a Conservative。 I thought I was a Conservative; but all the time I was in favor of。。。 I was in favor of shor