第8部分(第1/6 頁)
chickens。 Instead of controlling inflation; they were creating shortages。
NARRATOR: And prices just kept on rising。
MILTON FRIEDMAN: The last time I saw Nixon in the Oval Office; with George Shultz; President Nixon said to me; ";Don't blame George for this silly business of wage and price control;"; meaning George Shultz。 And I said to him; ";Oh; no; Mr。 President; I don't blame George; I blame you!";
弗裡德曼:我最後一次在總統辦公室裡看見尼克松時,還有George Shultz,尼克松總統對我說:“不要為這個愚蠢的工資和價格管制責備喬治,”而我則說:“噢,不,總統先生,我不責怪喬治;我責怪你!”
Chapter 13: A Mixed Economy Flounders '8:36'
Onscreen title: London; 1973
NARRATOR: Britain's mixed economy; so widely imitated; was in similar trouble。 It; too; was facing the deadly bination of unemployment and inflation。 In theory; the Conservative prime minister Ted Heath and his Cabinet believed in markets。 In practice; like Nixon; they made a sharp U…turn and used wage and price controls to bat stagflation。
旁白:被廣為仿效的英國混合經濟面臨同樣的困境,也面臨著失業和通貨膨脹的致命組合。理論上,保守黨首相Ted Heath和他的內閣相信市場;但實際上,與尼克松一樣,他們做了180度的轉彎,用工資和價格管制來與滯脹作鬥爭。
KENNETH BAKER; Conservative Minister; 1981…1992: I was a junior minister in Ted Heath's government; and I remember having to attend meetings with three or four other ministers where we would actually decide the level of charges plumbers would charge next week to repair taps and how much taxi drivers could charge for fares and how much hairdressers should get in wages。 It was absolutely unbelievable。 It all came to a very sticky end; a plete collapse。
KENNETH BAKER,保守黨大臣,1981-1992年:我是Ted Heath的內閣大臣,我記得我和其他三個和四個大臣們參加了一些會議,在那些會上我們必須決定下週水管工人應為修水