第7部分(第1/6 頁)
NARRATOR: Liberals may have loathed the Chicago School; but Hayek felt on home ground in an intellectual atmosphere so like the Vienna of his youth。
ARNOLD HARBERGER: Our vision is that the forces of the market are just that: They are forces; they are like the wind and the tides。 If you want to try to ignore them; you ignore them at your peril。 If you find a way of ordering your life which harnesses these forces to the benefit of society; that's the way to go。
ARNOLD HARBERGER:我們認為市場的力量就是那樣:他們是力量:他們就像風和潮汐。如果你試圖忽略它們,你就要承擔風險,自負後果。如果你找到了利用這些力量為社會謀福利的方式,那就是要遵循的方式。
NARRATOR: But in Washington; Keynes was still king of the hill。 Nineteen years after he died; his face was on the cover of Time magazine。
SAM PELTZMAN: Keynes's influence on economics at mid…century can't be exaggerated。 The economic advice that economists gave to policymakers said the only reason you have bad economic outes is because the government's not doing enough。 It sounds almost like central planning; doesn't it?
SAM PELTZMAN:本世紀中葉凱恩斯對經濟學的影響非常巨大。經濟學家們給政策制定者提的建議是經濟產出糟糕的唯一原因就在於政府做得不夠。這聽起來幾乎象中央計劃了,不是嗎?
NARRATOR: Washington's Keynesians saw the economy not as a force of nature but a sophisticated machine to be fine…tuned by technocrats like themselves。 The Keynesian consensus was summed up when that most Ivy League of presidents; John Kennedy; received an honorary degree from Yale。
JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY; ; 1961…1963: It might be said now that I have the best of both worlds …… a Harvard education and a Yale degr