第12部分(第2/6 頁)
removed from government control and sold off into the private sector。 Who should control the manding heights …… governments or markets …… in Britain? That battle was over。
Chapter 19: The Battle Decided? '3:26'
JOSEPH STANISLAW: What Margaret Thatcher did in Britain and the principles that she introduced were imitated worldwide …… Asia; Latin America; even in Africa and to some degree in the Middle East。
JOSEPH STANISLAW:瑪格麗特。撒切爾在英國的行動一起她引入的原理在全世界範圍內被仿效-亞洲、拉丁美洲,甚至歐洲,某種程度上來說還有中東。
JEFFREY SACHS: The tide had surely swung。 The thinkers that had kept alive the ideas of markets did play their role at that moment。
NARRATOR: In his lifetime; Hayek saw fascism rise and fall; munism e and go; and the end of his years in the intellectual wilderness。
NEWT GINGRICH: Here was a man who had intellectually changed the world without really ever leaving the university。 It was the power of his books; the power of his ideas as then captured by Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher that had changed things。
NEWT GINGRICH:他是一位從來沒有真正離開過大學、用思想改變了世界的人。當羅納德?里根和瑪格麗特。撒切爾吸取了他著作的力量、思想的力量後,世界改變了。
GEORGE SHULTZ: You had in Reagan and Thatcher at the same time two; what I call; idea politicians。 They had ideas they were convinced were the right ideas; and they put them into effect。
GEORGE SHULTZ:我把同時代的里根和撒切爾兩個人成為思想政治家。他們堅信自己的理論是正確的並把它付諸實施。
MILTON FRIEDMAN: The coincidence of Thatcher and Reagan having been in office at the same time was enormously important for the public acceptance worldwide of a diffe