第12部分(第1/6 頁)
MARGARET THATCHER: The political consequences of the failure of the strike were incalculable。
GORDON BROWN; Labor Finance Minister: The coal…mining strike of the early 1980s was a tragedy for so many of the mining families that were involved in it。
GORDON BROWN,工黨財政大臣:八十年代初期的煤礦工人罷工隊捲入到其中的無數礦工家庭來說是一場悲劇。
NARRATOR: Perhaps the greatest political impact was on the Labor Party that had all along opposed Thatcher's free…market policies。
GORDON BROWN: I came into politics as someone who lived in an area which was an old mining munity。 The problem for the left in the past was that they equated the public interest with public ownership and public regulation; and therefore they assumed that markets were not therefore in the public interest。 What we have had to explain both to ourselves and to the country …… and now I believe it's possible to explain this to the rest of the world as well …… is that markets are in the public interest。
GORDON BROWN:我和一位居住在老礦區的人一起步入政界,過去遺留的問題是他們把公眾利益與公眾所有權和公眾規則進行換算。他們因此假設市場不符合公眾利益。我們不得不對自己和國家解釋的事情-現在我相信這也可以向世界其他地方的人解釋-是市場符合公眾利益
DANIEL YERGIN: One of the most important things that the government of Margaret Thatcher does is invent this thing called privatization; that is; taking these state…owned panies; these nationalized industries; and selling shares to the public。
NARRATOR: One by one the Thatcher government put the manding heights of the British economy up for sale: electricity; telephones; oil; gas; coal; steel; trains; and planes …… even water。 Before long; two…thirds of the state…owned industries were