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第2部分(第3/6 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 電競之巔峰榮耀永劫,從壞桃開始的亂殺生涯!網遊:我靠遊戲幣就能變強夢幻西遊從五開到武神壇導演海賊的航海王者:從第一下飯主播到全能之神永劫:開局主力累了,我是替補開局朱八模板,打遍NBA無敵手網遊:我有可成長技能網遊:無垠無盡之主全民遊戲:神級天賦是卷出來的從須彌開始的虛無行者從零開始的奶爸生活迷霧求生:我靠池塘發家致富榮耀之巔:女神奪冠之路足球系統之進球就變強全民遊戲:從SSS天賦喪屍分身開始掛機足球:我有fm足球經理系統網遊:殺戮牧師,我即是光明神!網遊:刮痧大師?一秒億萬刀你如何應對

there stood all the animals from the barn。


最近有家新開張的超市,所有前往光顧的主婦都懷揣著一個美好的願望——幸運地成為一個購物不用交錢的顧客。這是商店入口處的啟事上所承諾的。啟事上寫著:“請記住,每個星期都有一位可以免費購物的顧客。也許,今天就是您的幸運日!” 幾個星期以來,正如自己的許多朋友一樣,愛德華太太一直盼望著自己會成為那位幸運的顧客。跟朋友們不同,她一直沒有放棄這一期望。家裡廚房的碗櫃中都塞滿了並不實用的東西。她的丈夫建議她不要亂買東西,然而收效甚微。她一直夢想著有一天超市的經理走到她的面前,對她說:“夫人,今天是您的幸運日,您籃子裡的所有東西都是免費的。”


A Lucky Customer

All the housewives who went to the new supermarket had one great ambition: to be the lucky customer who did not have to pay for her shopping。 For this was what the notice just inside the entrance promised。 It sai: “remember; once a week; one of our customers gets free goods。 This may be your lucky day!”

For several weeks Mrs。 Edwards hoped; like many of her friends; to be the lucky customer。 Unlike her friends; she never gave up hope。 The cupboards in her kitchen were full of things; which she did not need。 Her husband tried to advise her against buying things but failed。 She dreamed of the day when the manager of the supermarket would approach her and say; “Madam; this is your lucky day。 Everything in your basket is free。”

On Friday morning; after she had finished her shopping and taken it to her car; she found that she had forgotten to buy any tea。 She dashed back to the supermarket; got the tea and went towards the cash desk。 As she did so; she saw the manager of the supermarket approach her。 “Madam;” he said; holding out his hand;“I want to congratulate you! You are our lucky customer and everything you have in your basket is free!”

花樣年華 第二章(3)




召喚神秘新嶽網遊之白帝無雙囧神養成記2忠犬紀事 by 青陽綜漫:開局成為天翼種