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第6部分(第4/4 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 開局點滿頭球天賦,世界盃C羅給我助攻神話三國之至尊帝皇天賦強到爆綠茵傳奇虛空拼圖業餘裡踢出來的國足超級後衛畫渣又怎樣?我靠神筆一路躺贏開局選擇亡靈:我有ss級天賦DNF:求你別搞事,我們真服了穿越火影之修真者的逆襲你們的修仙太低端了聯盟:哇!這選手名場面簡直炸裂融練萬物,我在泰拉瑞亞中殺瘋了偵探再就業,從好友失蹤開始主神詐騙?我可是正經遊戲官方網遊:敢惹他?內褲都給你偷沒了神級邊後衛,不訓練也得金球獎我是輔助啊!怎麼全是陰間英雄?地下城與天災領主全民領主:開局神級天賦

rnard Shaw said th the United Stes and England were two gre countries divided by a mon language。 Even though we both speak English; we often mean different things with the same words。 This possibilities for misunderstanding are ten times greer in the dialog between the US and China。 Chenggang taught us how even the most simple concepts bee misunderstood。 For example; in the United Stes; we transle Long into Dragon。 For us; a dragon is a fierce fire…brehing animal th gets captures princesses and gets slain by knights in shining armor。 It is generally speaking a feared and evil beast。 But in Chinese; the dragon is more like a snake; carries a pearl; and brings good luck。 The same animal has an entirely different meaning。

Chenggang is in a unique position to help the Chinese understand the American people。 His English is so polished and fluent; we couldn�t believe th he had never lived in the United Stes before his trip to Yale。 His ability to rele to people allows them to open up to him and speak from their heart。 He is able to understand not just their words but also their meanings。 Thus you will h*e the privilege of learning about the regular folks in the Unites Stes… not just the politicians; millionaires; and movie stars。 And when he tells you about his time here; you will know th he is transling the meaning; not just the words。


I want to end with another example of his being a gre teacher。 This is a more personal story。 My 16…year old daughter Rachel is studying Chinese。 She had the opportunity to pete in the foreign language teachers�


重生之單純人生悠哉遊哉來修真 佚名戰將:中國人民解放軍傳奇將領紀實龍寵關鍵幀婚色撩人,狂傲總裁惹不得