第3部分(第7/7 頁)
ite the traditional plaints about such tests…that they were sadistic; that they were artificial; that subjects somehow sensed the situations were contrived…Johnson gained considerable information about groups under anxiety stress。
He found that fear responses were minimized when the group was small (five or less); when group members knew each other well; when group members could see each other and were not isolated; when they shared defined group goals and fixed time limits; when groups were mixed age and mixed gender; and when group members had high phobic…tolerant personalities as measured by LAS tests for anxiety; which in turn correlated with athletic fitness。
Study results were formulated in dense statistical tables; although; in essence; Norman knew he had merely verified mon sense: if you were trapped in an elevator; it was better to be with a few relaxed; athletic people you knew; to keep the lights on; and to know someone was working to get you free。
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