第15部分(第1/4 頁)
“2002年8月4日Face the Nation電視節目對布倫特·斯考克羅夫特採訪的錄音整理稿。
Brent Scowcroft;“Don�t Attack Saddam;” Wall Street Journal; August 15; 2002;
見Todd Purdum and Patrick E。 Tyler;“Top Republicans Break with Bush on Iraq Strategy;” New York Times; August 16; 2002; 。
James A。 Baker III;〃The Right Way to Change a Regime;〃 New York Times; August 25; 2002; section 4; : transcript of Lawrence Eagleburger; Crossfire; August 19; 2002。
Walter Gibbs;〃Scowcroft Urges Wide Role for the U。 N。 in Postwar Iraq;〃 New York Times; April 9; 2003;
Hagel quote in Purdum and Tyler; op。 cit。“雛鷹”(chicken hawks)的說法;見名為 the New Hampshire Gazette的網頁。
Doyle McManus;“Poll Still Backs Military Move on Iraq;” Los Angeles Times; September 2; 2002; ; Andrew Kohut;“Simply Put; the Public�s View Can�t Be Put Simply;” Washington Post; September 29; 2002;
Doug Struck;〃Hints on N。 Korea Surfaced in 2000;〃 Washington Post; October 19; 2002; 9。
Don Oberdorfer;“My Private Seat at Pyongyang�s Table;” Washington Post; November 10; 2002; Outlook section;
見Barbara Slavin;“N。 Korea Admits Nuclear Program;” USA Today; October 17; 2002; 。
2002年12月29日Meet the Press電視節目對科林·鮑威爾的採訪。
關於爭取聯合國決議的外交活動細節,見Tyler Marshall;“A War of Words Led to Unanimous U。 N。 Vote;” Los Angeles Times; November 10; 2002,及Karen DeYoung;“For Powell; a Long Path to a Victory;” Washington Post; November 10; 2002; 。
Michael O�Hanlon;“How the Hard�L