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第16部分(第4/4 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 火影:從百分百完美虛化開始!入住黃金庭院後,愛莉拉我直播女扮男裝後,我被校花瘋狂表白風流短跑之神時空中的深情魯魯修凌駕於諸天凹凸世界:雷震之女網遊之熟女陪我上青雲穿越戀歌:上官與夏侯【HP】布萊克家族莫名其妙的異世界冒險英雄聯盟之玩家對戰強勢文化手冊特種兵張霄回村搞大事,被女學霸懂不懂ADCarry的含金量穿越王者:聊天室裡的英雄傳奇四合院之剝奪一切暗區突圍之黑金指揮官當原神照進現實家養輔助投餵指南[電競]

tember 1963; 10; 397~408�

; Limits of Organization; New York: W�W�Norton; 1974�

Blake; Harlan M�; “Conglomerate Mergers and the Antitrust Laws;” Columbia Law Review; March 1973; 73; 555~92

Brockman ;Rosser H�; “mercial Contract Law in Late Nineteenth Century Taiwan;” in Jerome A1an Cohen et a1�eds�;Essays on China’s Legal Tradition; Princeton: Princeton University Press;1980;76~136�

Clarkson; Kenneth W�; Miller; Roger L� and Murls; Timothy J�; “Liquidated Damages v� Penalties;” Wisconsin Law Review; 1978; 351~90�

Coase; Ronald H�; “The Nature of the Firm” Economica; November 1937;4;386~405; reprinted in George J� Stigler and Kenneth E� Boulding; eds�; Readings in Price Theory; Homewood: Richard D�Irwin;l952�

; “The Regulated Industries: Discussion;” American Economic Review Proceedings; May 1964;54;1947�

; “Industrial Organization: A Proposal for Research” in Victor R�Fuchs;ed; Policy Issues and Research Opportunities in Industrial Organization;Vol�3;New York; National Bureau of Economic Research;1972;59~73�

Diamond; Peter A� and Maskin; Eric; “An Equilibrium Analysis of Search and Breach of Contract;” Bell Journal of Economics; Spring 1979; 10; 282~316�

Dixit; *inash; “A Model of Duopo1y Suggesting a Theory of Entry Barriers;” Bell Journal of Economics; Spring 1979; l0; 20~32�


; “Recent Developments in Oligopoly Theory;” American Economic Review Proceedings; May 1982; 72; 12~17

Eaton; B� Curtis and Lipsey; Richard G�


陸四爺,彆強撩藍疆帝月重生打造完美家園+番外半浮生天珠變 唐家三 少穿成年代文女主的嬌氣繼妹