第1部分(第4/4 頁)
PUBLISHEDDOCUMENTARY MATERIALDer Hitler Prozess。 Munich: Deutscher Volksverlag; 1924。 (Therecord ofthe court proceedings of Hitler's trial in Munich。 )Documentsand Materials relating to the Eve of the Second World War;193739 2 vols。Moscow : Foreign Language Publishing House ; 1948。Documents concerningGermanpolish Relations and the Outfoeak of Hostzlities between GreatBritain and Germany。 I…ondon: His Majesty's Stationery Office ; 1939。(The British Blue Book。 )Documents on British Foreign Policy, 19l9—39 London : H。 M。 StationeryOffice; 1947—。 (Referred to in the notesas DBrFP。 )Documents on German Foreign Policy; 1918—45 Series D; 1937—45。 10vols。 (as of 1957)。 Washington: U。 S。 Department ofState。(Referredto as DGFP)Dokumente der deutschen Politik; 1933—40 Berlin;1935—43。Fuehrer L'onferences on Naval Affairs (mimeographed)。 London:British Admiralty; 1947。 (Relerred to as FCNA。 )Hitler e Mussolini—Lettere e documenti。 Milan : Rizzoli,1946。I Documenti diplomuticaitaliani。 Ottavo series ; 1935—39。 Rome : Libreriadella Stato;