第97部分(第3/7 頁)
with reeds and rushes thick all round them。
〃Those who despise the enemy are beaten;〃 said Li Dian to Yu Jin。 〃Away south there the roads are narrow; and streams and mountains make the country difficult。 The forests are dense; and if the enemy used fire we should be lost。〃
〃You are right;〃 replied Yu Jin。 〃I will get on and warn the manding General。 Perhaps he will stop。 You can halt those who e up。〃
Yu Jin rode forward shouting at the top of his voice; 〃Halt the train!〃
Xiahou Dun saw him ing up and asked what was the matter。
Yu Jin said; 〃The roads here are narrow and difficult。 Around us are thick forests。 What if they use fire?〃
Xiahou Dun's ferocity had then somewhat abated and he turned his steed toward his main body。
Then there arose a shout behind him。 A rushing noise came from in the reeds and great tongues of flame shot up here and there。 These spread and soon the fire was in 〃the four quarters and the eight sides;〃 and fanned by a strong wind。
Xiahou Dun's troops were thrown into confusion and trampled each other down。 Many perished。 Zhao Yun turned on them again to make a slaughter。 Xiahou Dun dashed through the fire and smoke to escape。
Now Li Dian saw that things were going very badly; so he turned to get back to Bowang but fell upon a body of troops in the way; led by Guan Yu。 He desperately dashed into their midst and managed to get clear。 Yu Jin saw the supplies were being destroyed and there was nothing left to guard; so he escaped along a bye…path。 Two other generals; who came to try to save the baggage train; met Zhang Fei; and Xiahou Lan was slain forthwith; but Han Hao managed to flee。 Next morning the countryside was strewn with corpses and drenched with blood。
The armies met on