首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 君主論-the prince(英文版) > 第11部分

第11部分(第4/7 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 網遊之命運邪神武俠遊戲:只有我知道劇情讓你打NBA,誰讓你泡女星?荒野遭難:撿個老公來求生NBA:開局滿級傳球,最強控鋒NBA:開局滿級青峰大輝殺怪掠奪屬性點,這一世我無敵了紅魔主教練網遊:魅力值點太高,怪看我的眼神有點不對為了實習證明向魔王發起衝鋒王者:兩局遊戲榮登出生榜榜首我是大明星校園電競:這座城市的王者誕生網遊洪荒之最強抽獎足球風雲至尊穿越18歲,我成了CF高手流量型前鋒,復興慕尼黑1860網遊之我有一箭可弒神NBA:冠軍之王最強領主:我,天使與亡靈之主

are noteworthy to him who studies theaffairs of those times。It seems to me sufficient to take all those emperors who succeeded tothe empire from Marcus the philosopher down to Maximinus; they wereMarcus and his son modus; Pertinax; Julian; Severus and his sonAntoninus Caracalla; Macrinus; Heliogabalus; Alexander; and Maximinus。There is first to note that; whereas in other principalities theambition of the nobles and the insolence of the people only have to becontended with; the Roman emperors had a third difficulty in having toput up with the cruelty and avarice of their soldiers; a matter so besetwith difficulties that it was the ruin of many; for it was a hard thingto give satisfaction both to soldiers and people; because the peopleloved peace; and for this reason they loved the unaspiring prince;whilst the soldiers loved the warlike prince who was bold; cruel; andrapacious; which qualities they were quite willing he should exerciseupon the people; so that they could get double pay and give vent totheir greed and cruelty。 Hence it arose that those emperors were alwaysoverthrown who; either by birth or training; had no great authority; andmost of them; especially those who came new to the principality;recognizing the difficulty of these two opposing humours; were inclinedto give satisfaction to the soldiers; caring little about injuring thepeople。 Which course was necessary; because; as princes cannot helpbeing hated by someone; they ought; in the first place; to avoid beinghated by every one; and when they cannot pass this; they ought toendeavour with the utmost diligence to avoid the hatred of the mostpowerful。 Therefore; those emperors who through inexperience had need ofspecial favour adhered more readily to the soldiers than to the people;a course which turned out


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